Aqtipy coming soon.

Saddle up!

The desert has always been a harsh place to grow your own grub. Lots of debate has been had round the camp fire regarding climate change. There is no debate the climate is a changing though. This is where Aqtipy comes in, an automated system for monitoring your Aquaponics system.

You might be ask’n “What in tarnation is Aquaponics?”, great question.

The most simple definition is that it is the marriage of aquaculture (raising fish) and hydroponics (the soil-less growing of plants) that grows fish and plants together in one integrated system. Definition kindly provided by

The Aqtipy project has been an on going passion project of mine.

I plan on writing and releasing information over the next few weeks regarding the following topics:

Hardware -

I will describe the basic hardware used for the project. How I configured sensors, devices and other equipment relating to the Aqtipy.

Basic code review -

The code is opensource and will be available on GitHub when it is in a stable release state.

Community I hope to build -

Community is the lifeblood of a successful opensource project. I want to accept PR’s and any other criticism that the community might have to offer.

Software choices -

I will cover what drove the decisions for the following software:
..more to come

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1234 Somewhere Road
Bisbee, AZ 55555
United States of America